Hello! I’m Jakob Seiler, a graphic designer and student at the University of Central Oklahoma. My current goal is to earn a bachelor of fine arts in graphic design, and I’m honing my design skills to excellence.
 Growing up all over the nation has exposed me to many different cultures and designs. I would spend my early years creating comics with my friends. My teachers even bought me a sketchbook to help channel my creative energy. As I grew up, I began to question my future. With some heavy deliberation, I decided it was my goal to make graphic design my future. In high school, I learned the basics and was very successful with graphic design classes offered there. Not only did I excel academically, but I won a design contest, having my art featured on the staff that year. Because of that class, I decided I wanted this to be my future.
After graduating high school and getting accepted to the University of Central Oklahoma, I learned countless skills. I connected with new friends, learned how to speak with clients, work efficiently, and ensure that my work was as polished as I could get it. That is my goal in life. I want to show my clients how much I’ve learned and ensure that both sides are happy with my finished product. 
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